About the Project

The Project began as a small one man tent at Canada Day in a public park in the small town of Courtenay, challenging visitors to answer some simple questions about Canada.  The response, especially by parents, was very positive.  This provided a stimulus for children to challenge their parents (and visa versa) and created a focus on why we have Canada Day and what our citizenship means. 

Today the information exhibit consists of a tent with several kiosks holding 50+ interactive questions, a copy of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in both official languages, and a separate exhibit devoted to one specific piece of Canadian history.  Recently this has been provided by the Alberni Project (www.alberniproject.org).   DHP has been very active in various Canada Day festivals around Vancouver Island.  The exhibit and other DHP activities are staffed entirely by volunteers and is funded by private donations.  Each year new questions are added, some in French and others in English.  In addition,  current information on becoming a citizen of Canada is provided and the DHP has added Citizenship classes registration to its year long schedule in Courtenay. When DHP is exhibiting in other communities, the citizenship class information for those communities is provided at the exhibit.
During these public events our volunteers pass out flags and flag pins and encourage people to come and take the citizenship challenge.  You can always spot us by our uniforms as we walk along the parade routes or at various locations throughout the Canada Day venue.

At the end of each exhibit there is always a free drawing for one of the visitors at our exhibit. Prizes of the past have included Canadian memorabilia, apparel, or educational material. Who knows what will be donated for this year’s event?  You will have to come to the exhibit and find out.

We encourage all to come out and visit our exhibit in a community near you and take the challenge:
“Are You Canadian?” 
The Story of the Dominion History Project

The Dominion History Project

In 2002 James Derry began to have a sense that most Canadians did not realize how important history is to their citizenship.  He felt that without an understanding of the country you inhabit, you cannot really appreciate your citizenship or fully participate in being a citizen.  So he decided to do something about this.

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Contents Dominion History Project 2013
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